My Old Nemesis
So , for a while the child next door has been a terror but as of late, my children have gone up to the child and they have all sniffed each other and I feel there is now an understanding. The child still makes my kids go ape when they see him out the window but when they are outside, they no longer charge at the child and the child does not get into strike position. The bad news is my new nemesis – I call him…The Chipmonk. Damn you wretched chipmonk!! I go to the Wild Bird Store to buy Peanut no-melt suet cakes. They cost $2.29 a piece and I like to hang them for the birds to enjoy. I get a beautiful array of birds that come and visit the suet feeder cage directly outside my deck doors. As I am watching outside, I see The Chipmonk make its way across my fence and up the tree and onto the suet. I think “hmm, what must I do, the suet is for birds.” I break off a few branches of the tree! “HA, now you will not be able to reach it Chipmonk, HA HA HA.” I look again, he is back. He is looking and
climbing around on the branches. “TEE HEE, I have beaten him” then I look again and he has hung himself upside down by his tail to get the suet. I get the spray gun out and start to spray at him. He starts to move and then stands there looking at me. What?? A Challenge? A Duel? Now, I don’t want to piss off The Chipmonk as last year a chipmonk ate thru the rubber tube under my grill where the gas connects to the grill unit. Lucky, I caught it before trying to light it.
Those chipmonks are tricky, crafty little fellas. So, I sprayed some more and he stood there getting wet for a few squirts and then he scampered off into the woods. He came back and continues to do so. I have resigned myself to this fact - Suet is $2.29 and it lasts about 3 days. If he is willing to work that hard and hang by his tail to eat, then eat he shall. I will restock on my suet this weekend – ugh.

Hysterical. This is consistently the funniest blog I have read. Very well written. From your number three fan. (Since Trish and Dani are #1 and #2.)
This blog is funnier than watching a cowboy monkey ride a dog. (Which can be observed here:)
OK, OK! Dani is #1! Sorry, Dani!
(Don't round house kick me!)
I want to hear more of the chipmonk with the bazooca (sp?).
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