We Have A Winner!!!!
Krissy with her handsome husband Kevin.
KRISSY DOYLE has correctly answered the three items that I ate at the Redskins game on Sunday. With clever cunnery she deducted that I consumed a Hot Dog, Nachos and a Diet Coke. Let’s hope the Redskins have as good of a week as Krissy has had.
Krissy wins a $10 gift card to Starbucks! Congratulations Krissy, enjoy your caffeine and thank you for playing!
Krissy wins a $10 gift card to Starbucks! Congratulations Krissy, enjoy your caffeine and thank you for playing!
Way to go Krissy!
Jim - diet coke?????
wow, really? No beer at a football game? really? what is WRONG with you?
Yea! How exciting! Thank you Jim! Brown's looked good against the Giants. Hope we can stand tall. Last week's game was such a let down!
Yes, believe it or not I drank a diet Coke. I am trying to get down to my original weight....8 pounds, 1 ounce. Where's my rim shot???
congrats to Krissy
Yeah, Jim! Like Trish says...How forbidden was that to have a Hot Dog and Nachos and no beer?
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