Hello, Hello, Hello!

So maybe this has turned into a one “one-entry-a-month” blog, I hope not but I have ben lousy about keeping up with it lately.
Barb and Dani are having a great summer playing with their friends while Dad toils away at work all day. We’re heading to the beach a little later on this summer, nothing but relaxing and spending a lot of money.
Dani will be going to Tri-Cities work camp to help rebuild homes again this summer. She just got back from Mississippi where she has spent three or four trips rebuilding homes from Katrina. The town is finally in shape and they invited everyone back who helped to rebuild, she had a great time and everyone in the town was so appreciative.
I was recently was in Chicago to teach an all-day class on communications to the US Citizen and Immigration Services of the Department of Homeland Security. It was the first class that I taught for an entire 8-hour day and I was more than a little nervous. My fears were calmed after the first five minutes or so when the class started eating everything I was dishing out. It really was a good experience.
I’m supposed to go to the AT&T Tiger Woods Golf Tournament on Saturday but I’m not sure if I’ll make it.
What else? I saw Get Smart like everyone else and I enjoyed it. I’m very excited that a TV show that I really enjoyed is making somewhat of a comeback. The cast from Arrested Development will be making a feature film soon. I guess they saw all of the hoopla from Sex and the City.
Have a great 4th of July!
Thanks Jim. I look forward to your August post.
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