"Name My Team" Contest!

I know that most of the readers of Actormann are “true blue” sports fanatics. It’s well known fact many performers, actors, singer, dancers, choreographers, etc., spend most of their “off-stage” time in front of their 56 inch flat screen. Most of them have the full NFL season package on their cable ands are glued in their stratolounger keeping track of both the AFC & the NFC. In that regard, I’ll let you in on my secret of fantasy football.
I have been in Fantasy sport leagues for the last five or six years, either in football or baseball. It all started when I worked at PCIA. A few guys in the office asked me if I wanted to join their league. My testosterone kicked into overdrive and I ponied up my $100 bucks to join the league for the season. I nee to state right here that out of all of the leagues I have played in I have never won a single cent back. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of opportunities to make some very good cash at the end of the season but for some reason your team has to win to make the bucks. My team, unfortunately, have not fallen into that category.
A year ago, a handful of my co-workers and me created a Football Fantasy League and named it the All Smack Talk Fantasy Football League. That’s right, if you own a team in the league you are expected to be able to serve up some nasty smack talk. The first year I was asked to be Commissioner of the league. You’d think that as commissioner I’d be able to take advantage of my position and at least take second place if not first, Damn these morals!!!!
We just started the league for this year with the first games starting last Thursday. I felt that I had a pretty strong team this year with Matt Hasselbeck as my starting QB, Sean Alexander and Cadillac Williams as my starting Running backs. Chris Chambers and Darrell Jackson are my wide receivers, Tony Gonzalez my tight end (okay lads, yes I said tight end), Mike Vanderjagt is my kicker and my defense and special teams are the Jaguars. This all-star team should have scored a total of at least 100 points. But nooooo, they scored an impressive 51 points. 51 points!!!!
Looks like Jim and the Crushers are tied for second place after the first game of the season. Here’s your challenge: I am looking for a new name for my team and this is your opportunity to name the team. I am looking for a name that will give one of two impressions. 1. A name that will put the fear of God into the other teams, or 2. A name that will appropriately show just what kind of a low scoring team we are.
The name I now have is the Crushers. Yes, I know, a little embarrassing but they are the Crushers. I’m waiting, what are your suggestions? The winner will be named General Manager of the team and a press release will be posted on the All Smack Talk Fantasy Football League with quotes form the winner (you)!
Let’s hear ‘em, send ‘em in!
The Epiderals (sp)??
Good start, I like that.
I'd like to submit:
Illegal Shifts
False Starts
Trish - I'll walk you through it, it's not as difficult as it sounds. Hell - I'm doing it, aren't I?
The illegal immagrents (sp?)
How about Losing Streakers?
I'd also like to submit:
or you can name the team after an NFL screw up:
The Terrell Owens'
I could into some Penetration.
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