Help Me With My Selections!

Here is my Netflix Queue. What is missing from my list, any suggestions? What should I drop?
A Shot In The Dark
Dr. Strangelove
Being There
Harold & Maude
Schindler’s List
Apocalypse Now
The Deer Hunter
A Streetcar Named Desire
The Shawshank Redemption
Saving Private Ryan
Shaving Ryan’s Privates (seeing if you were actually reading these)
Sophie’s Choice
Broadway – The American Musical Parts 1, 2 &3 (Documentary)
Modern Marvels – Disney World (Documentary)
The Departed
The Break-Up
The Italian Job
Garden State
The Producers
The Painted Veil
The Pursuit of Happiness
The Nativity Story
Pay It Forward
Failure To Launch
The Illusionist
Mystic River
Get A Life (TV Show)
The Heartbreak Kid
You should add the movie, Brother Where Art Thou
ps i think you should watch forest gump
Believe it or not, yes it is Grandma. She's now a member of the blogosphere.
I liked the new "Of Mice and Men" with Gary Sinese(?) and John Malkovich. "Flower Drum Song" is nice, But heck I'm Asian. I am suppose to say something crazy like that.
I bought the whole "I Love Lucy" DVD series because I wanted Aria and Beng to experience the same joy I had watching this Golden Age of Television. I plan to buy the "Muppet Show" as well....For myself.:)
Notes on a Scandel
The St. Louis Pandemic Of Love suggest "Blood Diamond" and "Good Morning Vietnam."
I've noticed a lack of color on that list. Might I suggest "Soul Plane". . . Just kidding, but I would suggest "soul Food."
BTW, that Modern Marvels about Disneyworld is really good. Some of it I knew from taking their behind the scenes tour, but I learned even more on that show.
Oh and I happened to be sitting next to Ryan right now. His privates are already shaved.
Bru Baby - I will come clean...I watched Soul Plane...fashizzle
I suggest Blue Lagoon and The Pirate Movie - also season two of Dante's Cove!
Move 'Munich' to the top! It is one of the best movies ever made, and was completely overshadowed the year it came out in theatres. It should have won several awards- incl Best Picture. It's not a 'popcorn' movie- but, I notice that you've got a good mix of genres.
How about 'The Prestige'- it was very good! Similar to 'Illusionist' in content, but a better movie (for me, anyhow)
'Shawshank' was excellent. How about adding 'Green Mile'- some of the same creative team, also very well done.
And one glaring omission... 'I'm Gonna Get You Sucka'. It's a comedy classic!
JIM - I too loved The Green Mile - perhaps you have seen it. Very moving. I also suggest Cellular, Eight Below - I know you saw Little Miss Sunshine. The Covenant is also enjoyable - well, for me!
Also, any movie with Laura Liney is usually good. May I suggest that you also watch the seasons of Entourage and Arrested Development.
Jim, my first reaction at this post was you never go to the movies! But since I am now a parent-I totally understand. Add Little Miss Sunshine and put it near the top. A total and complete delight.
You all have some EXCELLENT suggestions! I loved The Green Mile, Little Miss Sunshine, Arrested Development, Entourage, and thoguth I was the only one who loved The Pirate Movie. I read Munich before I went to Israel last summer. I'll add The Covenent. One of my favorite fils is Love Actually, it's corny but I loved it.
i was watching the office the other day and this reminded me of it.
"movie mondays started off with training vidoes and we went through those pretty fast, then we watched a medical video then michael made us watch an episode of the entourage....6 time"
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