Oh, what to do????

High School??? Or football???
Who in their right mind would schedule a Senior Parents Coffee on the September 11’s fifth anniversary and the Redskin’s opener on Monday Night Football? Oh yeah, that’s right, I know, it was West Springfield High School where my lovely daughter Dani is a senior.
Dilemma – do I trek to the high school at 7:00 p.m. and join the parents (who obviously are not football fans), or do I stay home at home, sitting in my boxers with a bag of cheese curls in one hand and the remote in the other? You’re right, I’m a dad first and a football fan second, off to the school I hiked (it’s easier to walk then trying to find a parking space).
For those of you who have yet to have a senior in high school this is the “make it or break it” year. The school’s guidance administration put on a very informative program, so informative that twice I forgot that Portis and Moss might be been scoring touchdowns at the time.
The parents listened to presentations on:
All Night Grad Party - The seniors are kept in one location from 11:00 p.m –5: a.m. the night after graduation. They have casinos with play money, dancing, food, and prizes from iPods & TV’s to necessities for their college dorm rooms. It’s a great idea that was started a good while ago; the drunken driving deaths on graduation night have been severely reduced. I remember my All Night Grad Party; we hitched up Bessie to the surrey, rode out to Ol’ Doc Pritchard’s place and tipped his outhouse after imbibing in some of daddy’s corn mash. Third grade was the best four years of my life.
The College Application Process – That’s right, now’s the time to decide which thirty schools we’ll be applying to. Timing is everything when it comes to applying, when to complete your application, when to get your transcripts in, when to get your essays completed and when to send the obligatory $300 palm greasing fee to the Dean of Admissions. It’s good to see that some things never change.
Scholarships and Paying for College – What??? Paying for college??? Now I get it…I have to mortgage my house, work a third job and start pulling tricks just to be able to afford whatever school where my precious baby gets accepted. I can understand mortgaging my crib (yeah, I can talk the lingo) and getting a third job but pulling tricks, again??? I gave that up in the late 90’s when I got tired of waking up in Hollywood bedrooms of the rich and famous and not knowing if it was Liza (with a Z) laying on my arm or Snuffleupagus from Sesame Street, (Snuffle did tip well). Hey, parents will do what they have to do. Does anyone know where I can purchase a pair of short shorts in size 42?
All in all it was a very eye-opening evening. It’ll be a fast paced, event filled year and it’ll be over before we know it. But our investment in my little Dani will be well worth it,…someone’s got to take care of me when my money maker gets put on the shelf, right? The Redskins? They were able to lose without my help. Once again, it’s good to see that some things never change.
Dani in college? Oh boy do I feel old. Good luck to Dani in her Senior year!
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