A New Way To Grocery Shop?

Have you been to Giant Food lately? What do you think of their new log and colors? Dani came back from college and didn’t like the changes. Have you tried the new Scan It devices that the have at the front of the store? If you’re not familiar with these they are a handheld scanners they you scan and bag as you shop with a running total on how much you’re spending and saving.
I decided to try this new gimmick last week. I logged in with my phone number at the front of the store, picked up the scanner the display told me to take and then away I went a-shopping. I usually start in the fruit and vegetable area and then move through the dairy aisle. I ended up with about 20 items in my cart, and knew exactly how much I was spending. “What a great way to shop”, I thought.
My first issue was when I went to the cashier line to check out. I didn’t realize that I was supposed to bag my groceries as I put them in my cart. I was holding everyone up while I was bagged my items. After a few more trips back to Giant I have found a few other issues that I have with this new system. As I now go up and down the aisles it seems as though shoppers are bagging the groceries in their carts and not paying attention as they block the aisles. It’s tougher to get around these people, they are preoccupied with their little scanner and groceries. I also have come to detest the little “Ca-ching!” sound that the scanners make when you scan an item. Everywhere around you, you hear “Ca-ching” throughout the store.
I’m sure that the learning curve will take a little time and people (and I) will start getting used to them and using them properly, just like the self checkout lines that most people have acclimated themselves with. Ah, progress.
So how much do they pay to be the cashier for your own order?
You scan your receipt and pay the amount. It will probably work well once I and others start getting used to it although it is a pain for a full basket of groceries. Try it out sometime when you have a few extra minutes to spare.
Brandon, I understand exactly what you are saying.
Bloom has had those devices for a few years now, and I refuse to use them as well as the self-checkout. I feel like if I have to ring up the groceries and bag them, I should get a discount since I'm doing the work of a cashier that the store doesn't have to pay. The exeption is if I have one or two items, then I may use the self-checkout if they are empty and there's a line at the express.
I hate to say it guys. It must be a Virginia thing in your "Giants". Maryland Giants and Safeways still bag our Grocery's and reward us with a "5 cent per dollar spent discount" for using the recyclable cloth bags. Then again...Maryland Giants and Safeways don't have a beer & wine section.
I appreciate the cashiers when I'm shopping with both kids as opposed to self check out, but maybe this would work for me. Very interesting.
Also, thank you for your comments on the many blogs I read. So funny. I always missed your Lazy Susan Standup when you left, and now I can enjoy without having to tip my waiters.
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