Quiz #3 ( A little Easier Than The First Two)

I’ve been getting some feedback that the quizzes have been a bit too challenging, not for everyone, but for some. So here is my solution; starting with today, I’ll do a quiz every so often that won’t be as difficult for the masses.
Here we go, you know the procedure, try answering all of the questions before scrolling down to see the answers, and please refrain from using Google.
1. What was the major interstate that went from Maine to Florida before interstate 95 was built? (Hint – it is still there, some of you live near it and the Lazy Susan Dinner Theater is just off of it.)
2. Who was our 16th president?
3. Name two “superhunks” that guest starred and played boyfriends to Rachel & Monica on Friends.
4. What is the capital of New York?
5. Tom Hulce played Pinto in Animal House. What breakout role did he play in the Oscar nominated movie where he played the title character in 1984?
6. What’s the last book of the bible?
7. What is the square root of 144?
8. Thurl Ravenscroft played the voice of Tony the Tiger for over 50 years. What song did he sing in a classic Christmas cartoon?
9. Name the two longest rivers in the US.
10. Name four of the Little Rascals.
11. What is the tallest building in Washington DC?
12. Name the two undefeated teams in the NFL today.
13. What is Virginia’s state bird?
14. What is Maryland’s state bird?
15. Who was Popeye’s girlfriend?
16. Who will be taking over the Tonight Show when Jay Leno retires in 2009?
17. Why do firemen wear red suspenders?
18. Can you remember Jim Lawson’s birthday from the last quiz?
19. Who brought ‘sexy back”?
20. Name the two main Washington DC Newspapers.
scroll down
keep scrolling
just a little ways further
the answers are coming
here they are
1. Rt. 1
2. Abraham Lincoln
3. Bruce Willis & Tom Selleck
4. Albany
5. Wolfgang “Amadeus” Mozart
6. Revelations
7. 12
8. You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch in the Grinch Who Stole Christmas
9. The Mississippi and the Missouri. Most people think the Mississippi is the longer of the two but the Missouri is actually longer by 210 miles.
10. Buckwheat, Spanky, Alfalfa, Darla, Steimy, etc…
11. By law, it is the Washington Monument BUT the cross on the National Cathedral is just a little taller. The Washington Monument is 555 tall.
12. The New England Patriots and the Indianapolis Colts
13. The Cardinal
14. The Baltimore Oriole
15. Olive Oyl
16. Conan O’Brien
17. To keep their pants up.
18. January 21st
19. Justin Timberlake (Jim Lawson is also acceptable)
20. The Washington Times and the Washington Post
19 out of 20
I missed #12. I knew the Patriots, but wasn't sure of the other team.
I got #11, but wasn't sure if it technically qualified as a 'building' as opposed to a 'structure'
Mr Ravenscroft is also the voice of the singing statues in Disney's Haunted Mansion.
More quizzes! More quizzes!
Jim- this is a fun feature!
I think Joey needs a moment to calm down he seems very excited! I only got eleven right. I didn't even know Virgina's state bird, how sad.
And I'll admit that I know the capital of NY is Albany, but without hesitation, I actually guessed NY City.
Can I get an extra point for my honesty?
I missed the square root of 144?
I hate ANYTHING with Numbers except the number 3
Honesty deserves a point
WOO HOO! YEAH! 15 right!
Honesty is always the best policy.
Love Mrs. Frizzle! I got 17 correct. Thank you for the Jim Lawson acceptable response for #19. I also must admit that I put optional answers down for #3 and #11. Thanks must go to my Dad for knowing why firemen wear red suspenders.
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