It's Movie Time

I’m all into this poll stuff. Let’s talk about movies! The following are lists of movies in three categories. Let everyone know your favorites, but you don’t have to stick to the list of suggestions I have complied. Let’s hear it, which movies can’t you live without???
A Night at the Opera (All Marx Brothers fans knows this one)
The Jerk
There’s Something about Mary
A Fish Called Wanda
This is Spinal Tap
Young Frankenstein
Waiting for Guffman
The Blues Brothers
Groundhog Day
Animal House
Scary Movies
The Shining
The Exorcist
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Ring
The Silence of the Lambs
Rosemary’s Baby (If you haven’t seen this one, do!)
Amityville Horror
Nightmare on Elm Street
Romantic Comedies
When Harry Met Sally
Shakespeare in Love
My Best Friend’s Wedding
It Happened One Night (Classic)
Pretty Woman
The Wedding Singer
As Good as It Gets
Sleepless in Seattle
Love Actually
So, what do you think???
If I am picking from the list I choose:
Comedy - Guffman
Romantic Comedy - best Friends Wedding
Horror - Halloween/ Amityville Horror
Cheesy gay Musical - grease 2/ The Pirate Movie
Comedy - My Cousin Vinny
Scary - Jaws
Romantic Comedy - Just Like Heaven
Comedy - Night at the Opera
Scary - Jaws (I still freak out at the pool sometimes)
Romantic Comedy - Love Actually
Comedy: Young Frankenstein or Waiting for Guffman - add to that Best in Show
Scary: Jaws, The Shining or my favorite The Dead Zone
Romantic: Pretty Woman or Love, Actually.
One of my favorites was on lastnight - I guess it's under the category of Romantic - it's called Sliding Doors. Very cleverly done!
Trish - I knew you would like Love, Actually. It's one of my favorite movies.
Comedy-"Waiting for Guffman". I usually don't like this type of movie, BUT being a theatre person that has done Community Theatre in the past, This was hilarious!
Scariest-"Exorcist". My parents took me to see this when I was 11. What the heck were they thinking???? I was scarred for a long time. And to this day, I will not see it. A close second is "Jaws".
Romantic Comedy-"Princess Bride". Hands down.
Comedy-Too many to choose from. Blazing Saddles is one of my favorites that I have seen recenly. Then there are always the John Candy movies: Uncle Buck, Planes Trains and Automobiles, etc.
Scary movies- I don't watch them. The Ring was the last one for me.
Romantic- I love the Pretty Woman, Runaway Bride. The Notebook is one that depicts the perfect man, to me.
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