
Welcome to the thoughts, actions and the all-around happenings in a day in the life of Jim Lawson

Location: Springfield, VA

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Can You Do All Of These?

I put together this little list of things that I think that most people over the age of 21 should be able to do. Let me know if I'm off base on any of these. How many can you do???

1. Start a successful fire in a fireplace, at a campsite, and in a barbecue (yes, you are allowed to use matches)
2. Sand and finish or stain a piece of furniture
3. Create a blog on Blogspot
4. Set a VCR or DVR
5. Throw a spiral
6. Tie a necktie
7. Parallel park in three movements
8. Dance on a dance floor without looking like an idiot (this is up to other’s discretions)
9. Use chopsticks without going hungry
10. Swim one lap
11. Perform the Heimlich maneuver
12. Use a compass and a map to get yourself out of the woods
13. Wrap a present with creases (putting it in a gift bag does not count)
14. Change a flat tire
15. Jump-start a car
16. Check the oil in your car and add a quart if needed
17. Open a champagne bottle
18. Cook a Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter meal for four by yourself
19. Snap your fingers
20. Whistle (no matter how bad it may sound)
21. Take digital pictures and download the to your computer
22. Play poker
23. Sew a button
24. Iron a shirt or blouse
25. Change a baby’s diaper
26. Keep a plant alive for more than a year
27. Read a map and get from one destination to another
28. Perform CPR
29. Write a quality letter of recommendation for a friend
30. Find a stock quote in the newspaper or online and know what it did yesterday.
31. Know one stock joke and be able to tell it in front of a group
32. Hard boil an egg
33. Hammer a nail without it bending
34. Fry an egg and flip it without breaking it
35 Know the lyrics to the National Anthem (I didn’t sy you have to be able to sing them)
36. Recite The Pledge of Allegiance


Blogger Brandon said...

I could do 34 outof 36 not bad I say. I just avoid the dance floor altogether and I don't go to Asian countries so I don't have to use chop sticks.

6:31 AM  
Blogger Krissy Doyle said...

24 out of 36. Should I feel stupid?

6:40 AM  
Blogger Jim Lawson said...

Krissy - Stupid? No way! I'll help you learn the other 12.

Brandon - You're the man! Maybe Krissy can help you learn to dance?

7:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i am pretty sure i can do all but two, that makes me feel pretty special

8:35 AM  
Blogger Jim Lawson said...

Dani - You are always special.

10:09 AM  
Blogger Antonio said...

26 - There are things on the list that I'm sure I could do, but just haven't. So, I only scored the things that I definately know or have done.

Look at me, I'm so honest.

11:36 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Again with the honesty....i say u get extra points

4:03 PM  
Blogger Joey said...

I am a 33 out of 36- but, check with me this time next week- and I'll be 36 out of 36!

By the way- can I get extra points if I can use chopsticks left or right handed? How about some extra points if I know how to open a champagne bottle with a sword?

Jim- your blog is the bomb! I love your new quizzes and such!

9:52 PM  
Blogger Mabel said...

The buck stops here!

I got 7!

9:58 PM  
Blogger Jim Lawson said...

Okay, Joey will now have a score of 42 out of 36. An extra point for ambidextrous chopsticking, an extra point for his sword skills and 4 extra points for enjoying the blog so much!

6:07 AM  
Blogger Ron Curameng said...

30..Not bad

11:00 AM  
Blogger Jill Ruemke Schmidt said...

All but sanding and finishing, throwing a spiral, and tie a necktie. Now, do people have to laugh at the joke, and who are the people judging my dancing?

8:17 PM  
Blogger Jim Lawson said...

Jill - I've seen your dancing and you pass with flying colors!

2:26 PM  
Blogger The Follow Spot said...

Anything Jim can do, I can do better. I can do anything better than Jim!

4:22 PM  
Blogger Ron Curameng said...

Jim...I don't have your email address. Email

4:43 PM  
Blogger Mark Rosera said...

Flip it without breaking it? I dunno, that's too hard, man. Other than that, I think I'll be able to survive on my own.

7:50 AM  
Blogger MattM said...

Uncle Jim,
I think you're asking a lot, but I believe I can accomplish all of the tasks.

matt moore-

2:34 PM  
Blogger Barbara L. said...

Hi, actormann??? It's me BARBARA! I ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can do like, not alot of those bc im like not 21. LOL

3:16 PM  
Blogger Barbara L. said...

Hi, actormann??? It's me BARBARA! I ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can do like, not alot of those bc im like not 21. LOL

3:16 PM  

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