
Welcome to the thoughts, actions and the all-around happenings in a day in the life of Jim Lawson

Location: Springfield, VA

Monday, March 17, 2008

List of Thankful 5 - Day 4

  1. Clothes - Everyday I get up and I have to decide what to wear. We are so blessed to have clothing.

  2. My parents - I know I mentioned them on day 1 but it is so great that I'm an adult and able to enjoy them as friends.

  3. Cable TV - For those who grew up in the DC area may remember channel 4, 5, 7, 9, 20 and PBS on 26. Plus they always played the national anthem while the American flag flew when the turned off the power for the evening.

  4. Instant Communication - Cell phones, computers, text messaging, we no longer have any excuse for not being able to communicate with anyone.

  5. Off Buttons on Cell phones, computers and pagers.

What's your list today?


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