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Happy Memorial Day to all especially to all of those who have served and are serving our country. God bless you.
I saw Termanator last night with my friends Doug S and Mark R. It was a pretty good film with a ton of special effects.

I went to Harold Gate's funeral service on Friday afernoon. Harold was the owner of the Lazy Susan Dinner Theater where I got my theatrical start in the early '80s. Harold supervised building of the sets and even built a huge amount of them himself. As President, he also saw to the business side during the day, he was a quiet tough but fair man. His son Glenn, a good friend, ran the theatrical side of the theater and is still an excellent producer. Harold was 88 and will be missed. My condolences go to Peggy and Glenn Gates, Karol Kaldenbach and the rest of the Lazy Susan family past and present.

On Friday my great buddies Doug O and David "The Van" Badzik went to the Nats game. Dave flew into town from the west coast to spend the holiday weekend with his family. It was great catching up with both of them and we had a good time. The Nationals even gave us a few free extra innings before they lost the game. Thanks Nats!
I just got back in from softball practice with my church team, Grace Presbyterian. Man do I need a shower. Dani and I plan on seeing Night at the Museum: Smithsonian tonight. It'll be nice taking her out on a date, we really haven't been able to spend too much time together since she's been home from school. Barb is camping tonight at Burke Lake with a freind from school and her family. I'll let you know what I thought about the film soon.
Have a great holiday weekend!!!
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