Life has been such a whirlwind lately but I’m sure it’s no different from any of you. My new job has been taking up a lot of my evening time as well as my day hours. We are working on a couple of really interesting projects which take a good bit effort and time.
The first project is to end homelessness in Fairfax County within the next ten years. We are working with the Fairfax County government and task forces to create a ten-year implementation plan to present to the county Board of Supervisors by the end of September. The board will then vote on it and if it passes then they will put the plan into motion and we’ll be on our way to a non-homeless county. It may sound easy but there is a ton of work to do.
Another project we are working on is the four new Metro Rail stops approved for Tyson Corners and how the town will be effected. What will Tyson’s look like over the next 25 years and how will everyone live and move about. The majority of the meetings with the public and committees take place in the evening since that is their free time so it’s taking a bit of a toll on me. But, once again, a good cause.
I also just got back last night from Chicago where I visited FermiLab which is a Department of Energy site and the home of the world’s largest accelerated collider. There is one being built at CERN in France, which makes this one obsolete so FermiLab is working on getting an ILC (International Linear Collider. The collider will be a 9-10 meter tube, which will run for 20 miles. The kicker is that the tunnel will be placed 300 feet underground. I am working with the public task force to try to figure out how to make this 20 billion dollar investment work.
Honestly, I never thought I’d be writing on my blog about linear colliders and homelessness.
Dani has been at Tricities work camp this week with her youth group from church. They sleep on the floor of the gymnasium of a community college in Petersburg, VA and go out in teams of seven each day to rebuild and work on people’s home sin the community who are in danger of being condemned (he homes, not the people).
Dani returns Saturday and so excited about getting ready to leave for college on August 21st. Before she goes to school she’ll go visit her mother for a few days in Florida. It’s been awhile since they’ve seen each other.
Barbara is doing well and has had the opportunity to spend thee night with my folks while I was in Chicago. My parents have two new Bichon Frise puppies so I think she enjoyed herself. She’ll be going to Florida with Dani next week to get ready for the 5th grade.

I have been working very hard to try to learn my lines for the show I am doing, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way To the Forum. Tech week starts this Monday and I am busting my butt to get the lines down b. I have missed so many rehearsals because of the work I am doing in the evenings but I think I’ll be ready for opening night, Friday, August 3rd. The show is at the Riverside Dinner Theaterand Conference Center in Fredricksburg, VA. Let me know if you are interested in seeing the show. I will be performing Thursday nights , Friday nights, Saturday nights and Sunday matine's. The show runs through October 28th.
I know I said that I would post pictures but I am always at the wrong computer when I have a free minute. They will be coming soon!
The first project is to end homelessness in Fairfax County within the next ten years. We are working with the Fairfax County government and task forces to create a ten-year implementation plan to present to the county Board of Supervisors by the end of September. The board will then vote on it and if it passes then they will put the plan into motion and we’ll be on our way to a non-homeless county. It may sound easy but there is a ton of work to do.
Another project we are working on is the four new Metro Rail stops approved for Tyson Corners and how the town will be effected. What will Tyson’s look like over the next 25 years and how will everyone live and move about. The majority of the meetings with the public and committees take place in the evening since that is their free time so it’s taking a bit of a toll on me. But, once again, a good cause.
I also just got back last night from Chicago where I visited FermiLab which is a Department of Energy site and the home of the world’s largest accelerated collider. There is one being built at CERN in France, which makes this one obsolete so FermiLab is working on getting an ILC (International Linear Collider. The collider will be a 9-10 meter tube, which will run for 20 miles. The kicker is that the tunnel will be placed 300 feet underground. I am working with the public task force to try to figure out how to make this 20 billion dollar investment work.
Honestly, I never thought I’d be writing on my blog about linear colliders and homelessness.
Dani has been at Tricities work camp this week with her youth group from church. They sleep on the floor of the gymnasium of a community college in Petersburg, VA and go out in teams of seven each day to rebuild and work on people’s home sin the community who are in danger of being condemned (he homes, not the people).
Dani returns Saturday and so excited about getting ready to leave for college on August 21st. Before she goes to school she’ll go visit her mother for a few days in Florida. It’s been awhile since they’ve seen each other.
Barbara is doing well and has had the opportunity to spend thee night with my folks while I was in Chicago. My parents have two new Bichon Frise puppies so I think she enjoyed herself. She’ll be going to Florida with Dani next week to get ready for the 5th grade.

I have been working very hard to try to learn my lines for the show I am doing, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way To the Forum. Tech week starts this Monday and I am busting my butt to get the lines down b. I have missed so many rehearsals because of the work I am doing in the evenings but I think I’ll be ready for opening night, Friday, August 3rd. The show is at the Riverside Dinner Theaterand Conference Center in Fredricksburg, VA. Let me know if you are interested in seeing the show. I will be performing Thursday nights , Friday nights, Saturday nights and Sunday matine's. The show runs through October 28th.
I know I said that I would post pictures but I am always at the wrong computer when I have a free minute. They will be coming soon!