My Hope For You
As the year comes to a close and we celebrate the birth of Jesus there are a few things that I wish for each of you in the upcoming year. I would like to start off by thanking each of you for stopping by and reading my thoughts every now and then. A special thanks to those who leave comments or send me emails letting me know what they think about the posts.
I hope for each of you that you will feel no pain in the New Year. There are many kinds of pain. I hope that your physical body will answer your every need and request. I hope that your knees will not ache when you get up, I hope that your backs will not be strained, I hope that your head will not ache with migraines, and I hope that your feet will not cause you discomfort. I also hope that you will find no serious illness throughout the year, no broken bones, no cuts or bruises that won’t heal, I hope that cancer will never find it’s way into your body and that all of your organs will continue to work as they were designed to do.
I hope for you that you will be able to afford your needs this year. I hope that each statement that comes to your door you will be able to pay in full in the appropriate amount of time. I hope that no disaster will strike you that will leave you with an empty bank account. I hope that you find yourself with funds left over that you will be able to help support others who are not financially secure. I hope that you will find a place and time in your heart to reach and offer your time and dollars to those who are far worse off than you.
I hope for you that you are inundated with friends. There is no worse feeling than being alone. I hope that you remember that to have friends you need to be a friend. I hope that you remember that friendship is caring, sharing, and being there for others even when they don’t ask you to be. I hope you remember that true friendship is not always waiting for a “thank you” but grateful when you do get one.
I hope that you are able to reach out to your family far and near this year. We are not here forever and neither are our families. I hope that the issues between you and your relatives will be forgotten, there is rarely an issue that cannot be forgiven, once someone has left this world it’s difficult to ask forgiveness for holding a grudge. I hope that you embrace your loved ones both physically and emotionally.
I hope that you have peace with yourself. This is sometimes one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish. I hope that you are not too hard on yourself and don’t try to raise your self-expectations so high that they can never be reached. I hope that you are able to forgive yourself like you’re able to forgive others.
I hope that you are able to feel love; love of a partner, love of a child, love of a friend, love of a parent, just love. I hope you let yourself love and let yourself be loved. I hope that you find that even though love can hurt it can be the most wonderful feeling and it can help to heal wounds.
I hope for you that you find a renewed faith in our fellowman. I hope that in that faith you can grow your faith in an ultimate being. No matter what your faith is or if you have no faith at all, I hope that you will be touched this year and come to know that there is a Savior who loves you and you can become closer to that One.
I hope, no, I pray that you find all of these in 2008. Thank you all for being a friend and I know that my life would be very different if I had never met each one of you. May God bless you and have a great Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, winter break or whatever you celebrate and a happy New Year!