Just Checkin' In

So, Mom and Dad are cruising the high seas right no and I think they are somewhere off the coast of Belize. Their 50th anniversary is on Saturday, which they’ll be celebrating with hundreds of other seniors at the clothing optional island. Look for them in the latest collection, Seniors Gone Wild! I’m sure they’re having a great time, I just hope that neither of them have had any seasickness.
My brother Bill is taking care of their pets while they’re sailing the seven seas and he's having a great time with them with all of the storms yesterday and the lack of electricity. Speaking of storms, weren’t they something? My girls and I were going to the National’s game but decided better. They started the game but canceled it after a short amount of time.

Instead of going to the game we decided to go out to dinner, one of Barbara’s favorites, Friendly’s. Friendly’s wasn’t too friendly last night. They were overwhelmed with customers because they were one of only a few restaurants that actually had power and they were really unprepared. It took us about 40 minutes to be seated and the food made it out to us over an hour after that. I felt sorry for the staff because they had no idea why everyone was descending on Friendly’s. At one point, the manager came out form the kitchen and stopped by our table. I told him why everyone was there and he finally understood why they became so popular so quickly. I loved my Happy Ending.
On the way home we still had most neighborhoods without power and there were still power lines lying in the streets, the police and fire vehicles were everywhere. But, if you live in the DC Metro area then I am sure you went through the same situation as we did.
I think we are planning to go to Celebrate Fairfax tomorrow night. If you haven’t been to it, it’s really a lot of fun. They hold it at the Fairfax County Government Center http://www.celebratefairfax.org/ and they have a midway fair, a technology area, a bunch of music venues and pretty much something for everyone. It usually costs $10 for adults and it’s worth the money. Last year we saw Smashmouth, the year before was Uncle Cracker, before that was Pat Bennitar. This year Bowling for Soup and Joan Jett and the Blackhearts are playing.