John Hollinger as Scrooge and me a Ghost of Christmas Present

Barb backstage at Scrooge - she is 2nd from the right.
Barbara and I are having a great time performing in Scrooge down at the Riverside in Frederickbrug. She is loving every minute of it and has made some very sweet friends. It's a joy for me to work with her onstage but I think the best part for me are the great, long conversations we have driving there and back. I am also enjoying the opportunity to work with wonderful old friends like John Hollinger and Steven R. Hayes.
Dani is home from Shenandoah University for her Christmas break. She's keeping busy by helping to paint the interior of friend's house. She's doing it with Janet Little and Margeret Heine. I can just imagine the conversations between those three while they're painting. It is so great having her home!
Christmas is coming way too fast, doing the show has put me behind in Christmas shopping, decorating and cooking. We have decided to have a "scaled back" Christmas this year and do our best to enjoy family and friends and to celebrate the birth of Christ instead of all of the hustle and bustle. Let's see how that goes.
If I don't speak with you or see you before Christmas then I hope that you have a great holiday (Hanukkah, Kwanzaa) and have a wonder New Year! God Bless you.