Welcome to the thoughts, actions and the all-around happenings in a day in the life of Jim Lawson
Friday, March 27, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
How Was Your Weekend?

This past weekend was almost as full as usual. Friday night after work I took Barbara and her BFF Sage to Fair Oaks Mall in Fairfax for dinner and a little shopping. It had been so long since I had been there that I had no idea what restaurants were still there. When we got there the girls saw The Cheesecake Factory and wanted to dine there. By the time we made it to the hostess station it was almost 8:15 and there was still a 35-minute wait. We decided to eat elsewhere. We ended up eating at Chick-A-Filet and since Sage is a vegetarian she had a slice of cheese pizza from Sbarro. Twilight was being released at midnight so a few of the stores in the mall were having midnight release parties. They were selling all kinds of merchandise from the movie and kids and grown-ups were starting to line up. I’ve never seen the movie or read any of the books but Barb pre-ordered it online at Amazon a few months ago so I’ll watch it with her.
On Saturday I took Barb to her gymnastics class and afterwards we (Sage, Barb and I) took Lady, our golden retriever, to the Super Pet Expo in Chantilly. The place was jam-packed. Lady is usually shy with other dogs but after she met about 30 of them face-to-face she had no problem with the next 750 of them. We saw just about every kind of dogs there plus alligators, pythons, tortoises, rabbits and monkeys. The best part for Lady was when we were passing the golden retriever rescue exhibit and she walked over and sat with the rest of the goldens. I guess she felt at home with her sistas from anotha mistas and her brothas from anotha mothas.
On Saturday night I went to see the band Union Street at Jaxx. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Jaxx it is a rock club located in West Springfield. It used to be the Jerry Lewis Cinema 2 back when I was a kid but in the 80’s they turned into a teen club for a few years. The finally turned it into a rock club and it’s been that way for close to 30 years. There are two teenagers from our youth group at church who play in Union Street and they were the opening band. I wanted to support them so I paid my $20 to hear their 25 minutes. They sounded great but I’m not sure they fit well with the other bands on the list. The next band came on and the lead singer started with the following announcement “There’s a F’ing monster in the closet. There’s a F’ing monster under the bed and there’s a F’ing monster in my pants!” He then started to scream uncontrollably as I laughed out loud. This is music? After about 2 minutes I headed for the door.
After church on Sunday afternoon Club 456 (the pre-youth group at church) went bowling. I took Barb and Sage and we had a pretty good time. We bowled two games and I was pretty pleased with the scores of 140 and 133. We got home and I made shrimp stir-fry for dinner. Of course I was the only one who would eat it, Barb is too picky so I made her cheeseburger sliders and Sage got a grilled cheese (vegetarian, remember?) It was a good weekend. How about yours?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Look At These

My younger and more handsome brother, Bill Lawson, has always been interested in photography (wink, wink, nudge, nudge for you Monty Python fans) but has never done any photography work professionally, just as a hobby. We were in the car the other night and he was showing me some of his shots. He loves hiking and has added another element to his hikes by bringing, and experimenting with his new camera.
Bill is not nearly as outgoing as I am and he prefers to stay in the background, maybe that’s why he’s able to take such beautiful photographs. I thought I’d share some of them with you over the next few posts. Let me know what you think: