
Welcome to the thoughts, actions and the all-around happenings in a day in the life of Jim Lawson

Location: Springfield, VA

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Quiz Time Again!

It's been a long while but it's time for a new quiz! The rules are the same as before, don't scroll down to see the answers until you've answered all of the questions. Post your score or send it to me. The best score will receive $5 donated to your favorite charity. I trust all of you about being honest with your scores. In case of a tie, each charity will receive the money.

Here we go:

1. Who were the first wearers of jock straps?

2. Where will the 2010 Super Bowl be played?

3. What TV show had the first televised interracial kiss?

4. Who played Chandler’s father on Friends?

5. When the first Burger King opened in 1954 how much did a burger cost?

6. Which US war claimed the most US soldier’s lives?

7. What Monday Night Football announcer was known as “The Mouth”?

8. What is the longest book in the Bible?

9. Which television show did Robin Williams get his start?

10. Which city did the movie Flashdance take place?


1. Bicycle riders or Bike Jockeys in the late 1800’s. (No, it wasn’t the horse jockeys, although they probably could use one)

2. Miami, FL

3. Star Trek

4. Kathleen Turner

5. 18 cents

6. The US Civil War (over 620,000)

7. Howard Cosell

8. Psalms

9. Happy Days (then Mork & Mindy)

10. Pittsburgh, PA

Sunday, May 24, 2009

What's New?

Happy Memorial Day to all especially to all of those who have served and are serving our country. God bless you.

I saw Termanator last night with my friends Doug S and Mark R. It was a pretty good film with a ton of special effects.
I went to Harold Gate's funeral service on Friday afernoon. Harold was the owner of the Lazy Susan Dinner Theater where I got my theatrical start in the early '80s. Harold supervised building of the sets and even built a huge amount of them himself. As President, he also saw to the business side during the day, he was a quiet tough but fair man. His son Glenn, a good friend, ran the theatrical side of the theater and is still an excellent producer. Harold was 88 and will be missed. My condolences go to Peggy and Glenn Gates, Karol Kaldenbach and the rest of the Lazy Susan family past and present.

On Friday my great buddies Doug O and David "The Van" Badzik went to the Nats game. Dave flew into town from the west coast to spend the holiday weekend with his family. It was great catching up with both of them and we had a good time. The Nationals even gave us a few free extra innings before they lost the game. Thanks Nats!

I just got back in from softball practice with my church team, Grace Presbyterian. Man do I need a shower. Dani and I plan on seeing Night at the Museum: Smithsonian tonight. It'll be nice taking her out on a date, we really haven't been able to spend too much time together since she's been home from school. Barb is camping tonight at Burke Lake with a freind from school and her family. I'll let you know what I thought about the film soon.

Have a great holiday weekend!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

I’m so happy that both of my girls are home. Barb and I drove out to Shenandoah University to pick up Dani after she turned her last paper on Friday. The car was filled to the gills but we all made it home. Dani will be taking two classes online this summer, some part-time work and will be spending her eight year at Tri-cities Work camp in Petersburg, VA. Barbara completes the 6th grade on June 18th and will get to spend time with her mother, Mary, in Florida over the summer. She’s also going to our church youth camp called Great Escape and she’ll be going to Meadowkirk (a Presbyterian country resort) in the Virginia horse country while spending a week at Night Owls. She’ll hike, tube and have all kinds of fun. The reason the session is called Night Owls is because they stay up doing a lot of their activities throughout the night and then sleep in till 11:00 a.m. and start that day over again.

Once Barb is through with all of her camp and traveling, the three of us will spend five or six days in lovely Ocean City. I know what you’re thinking…lovely Ocean City??? We actually stay at a little resort just this side of the city and have a great time. Different friends have come up to join us for a day or so and we really look forward to taking a few days and getting away.

What about you? What are your plans for the summer?

Friday, May 01, 2009

Missa Festiva

I have a concert coming up this Sunday evening at my church, Grace Presbyterian,, It’s in Springfield and starts at 6:00 p.m. with a reception afterward. We are singing with the combined choirs of Dale City Presbyterian and ours. The main piece will be Missa Festiva by John Leavitt with four other single pieces, We’ll have a small orchestra and I think that it should be pretty good. Feel free to come by; it’s open to the public and it’s free.

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